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System examines the most relevant subjects in fashion, presenting meaningful conversational features, compelling\ photoshoots and award-winning films. Systems editorial focus lies in timelessness and the notion of long-form journalism. As such its stories are developed over time anything from six months to up to two years allowing the editorial team to create biannual issues which are unique, insightful and thought-provoking. System explores with style and substance the dialogues at the heart of the global fashion industry. Its biannual magazine offers exclusive long-format conversations with fashion’s most relevant, most powerful and most opinionated individuals, accompanied by portfolios created by the industry´s most in-demand image-makers. Exploring and commenting on fashions constantly shifting landscape, System is a platform for deep thoughts and real opinions shared within the industry and, iturn, influencing the broader world.
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Sprog: Engelsk
Magasinet udkommer 2 gange om året

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Normalpris 369,95 DKK
Normalpris Udsalgspris 369,95 DKK
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